Hypnotherapy For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The medical profession and the mental health community often fail to diagnose posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Undiagnosed individuals with PTSD include adults who were raised in an abusive home with fighting, violence, and bullying. Someone who was sexually, physically, or emotionally abused in childhood is most likely to have PTSD symptoms. Hypnotherapy provides the best tools for diagnosing, treating, and preventing PTSD.

Hypnotherapy for PTSD can be an evidence-based treatment. It can effectively treat both the symptoms as well the underlying cause. Hypnotherapy is a powerful treatment for PTSD due to the similarity of hypnotic phenomena to the symptoms and signs of PTSD. Hypnotherapy gives you control over memories that are otherwise kept from your consciousness. To provide psychotherapy for PTSD victims, trauma hypnosis Sydney is being used in new ways. Hypnosis allows access to dissociated traumatic memory and positive restructuring.

These are just a few of the many ways that hypnotherapy works well in treating PTSD

  • Installation of stress-relieving exercises that can be recorded immediately. This allows the person suffering from PTSD to playback recordings every day or as often as they need after leaving treatment.
  • Identify the triggers to help someone with PTSD feel more in control of their life.
  • Titration is a process that allows PTSD sufferers to gradually reduce their reactions and triggers.
  • Hypnotherapy may help to identify and recall past stressful events. This can be a great way to combat PTSD.
  • Hypnotherapy helps to consolidate the memories in a more structured storage system in the subconscious, making them less intrusive.

Hypnotherapy can help patients deal with trauma by placing it in a new context. This allows them to acknowledge their helplessness and link that experience with remoralizing memory such as attempts at self-protection and shared affection with loved ones who were killed.

Symptoms And  Solution


Trauma alters us…it changes our personality, mood, memory, and motivation as well as cognitive function and perception. Trauma can also alter relationships, families, or systems. A victim of trauma will notice a shift in the way they think after a traumatic event.

Hypnotherapy opens up a door to the subconscious. A skilled hypnotherapist can help clients access pivotal events that led to their trauma through carefully controlled regression. They can see the moment(s), in which their conclusions were wrong, while they are in a trance

The treatment of PTSD includes soul retrieval. Sometimes, we lose parts of our souls when trauma occurs. This can often be done to protect the part that is left. For trauma survivors, it is of immense benefit to retrieve and reclaim the lost parts of the soul. For more information about soul retrieval.


Finally, trauma history, particularly if left untreated, can lead to significant behavioral and functional changes. Trauma that remains in the body will try to escape; it can manifest in chronic shock or somatic or physical illnesses, as well as arousal symptoms, such as hypervigilance or exaggerated startle. Arousal can also manifest in reckless or high-risk behavior.

The ability to help clients complete the task that was impossible at the time of their trauma is a key component to healing trauma. Trauma is found in the body’s paralysis and the inability of taking action.

Arousal symptoms are a sign that the body is trying to heal. It’s useful to consider them as an attempt to get our attention. Or, arousal symptoms could be seen as a manifestation of the “stuck” trauma response (fight or flight or freeze). Without allowing the body and mind to move, trauma healing cannot be completed. Our role as therapists includes helping the client unfreeze. We help them bring their emotions and thoughts to conscious awareness, process them and then release them.

We encourage clients in hypnotherapy to move their bodies, to get out of their comfort zone. What movement, which reflex was their body unable to do at that moment? Trance allows the client to have a corrective experience. The client can run away, hit the perpetrator loudly, say NO and defend themselves. This can be a powerful experience that helps traumatized clients move past their past and into the future.