Moderate alcohol consumption — no more than 2 drinks per day for men, 1 for women, and 1 for older adults — is considered safe for most adults. A “drink” is 1.5 ounces or more of spirits, five ounces of wine, or twelve ounces of beer. All of these have 0.5 ounces of alcohol.
However, moderate use is only one part of the spectrum that includes alcohol abuse and dependence.
Alcohol abuse refers to a drinking habit that has serious and persistent adverse consequences. An alcohol abuser may not be able to meet their major school, work, and family obligations. They could have drinking-related legal issues, such as multiple arrests for driving under the influence. Their drinking may cause problems in their relationships.
What Are The Causes Of Alcohol-Related Disorders?
There are many causes of problem drinking, including genetic, physiological, and psychological factors as well as social factors. Each cause is not necessarily the same for everyone. Some alcohol abusers have psychological traits like impulsiveness and low self-esteem that can lead to inappropriate drinking. Some people drink to “medicate” their emotional problems. Peer pressure, easy access to alcohol, and other social and environmental factors can play important roles. The likelihood of becoming dependent on alcohol is also increased by poverty and sexual abuse.
Some people are more susceptible to alcohol dependence because of their genetics. Contrary to popular belief, being able “hold your liquor” does not mean you are less at risk for alcohol dependence. However, a history of alcohol abuse does not automatically mean that your children will have the same problems. These problems are not necessarily prevented by the absence of alcohol problems in the family.
The problem can only get worse if people drink excessively. Drinking excessively can lead to physiological changes, which make drinking more difficult. Alcohol dependence can cause withdrawal symptoms to be reduced or avoided by drinking.
What Are The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse Disorders On People?
Although some studies suggest that alcohol can have positive cardiovascular effects, most experts agree that heavy drinking can cause health problems.
Memory loss, blackouts, and hangovers are some of the short-term effects. The long-term effects of heavy drinking include stomach problems, heart problems, and cancer. The chances of death from suicide, automobile accidents, homicide, or suicide are significantly increased by heavy drinkers. Although alcoholism is more common in men than in women, it can also affect the health of women, even at lower levels.
Mental health can also be affected by drinking problems. Abusing alcohol or becoming an alcoholic can make it worse or cause new conditions like depression, memory loss, or anxiety.
Problems with alcohol don’t only affect the drinker. Spouses and children who drink heavily may be subject to violence in the home. Children may also suffer from neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological problems. Drinking during pregnancy can cause serious harm to fetuses. In alcohol-related assaults and accidents, relatives, friends, and strangers can all be hurt or killed.
What Is The Best Time To Seek Help?
People often conceal their drinking or deny that they have a problem. How do you tell if someone you know or you are in trouble? A possible sign of a problem is having your friends and family express concern about you, feeling annoyed by people’s drinking habits, feeling guilty about it, thinking you should reduce your drinking but not being able to or needing to have a drink in the morning to calm your nerves or ease a hangover.
Many people who have drinking problems are determined to overcome them. These individuals can often recover on their own with the help of friends and family. Alcohol dependence is often a condition that makes it difficult for people to stop drinking. Many people need help from outside. To avoid seizures and potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms such as epilepsy, they may require medically supervised detoxification or ready to work program. After stabilization, people may require help with their psychological problems.