How to Add Calcium to Soil?

One secondary nutrient is calcium. Calcium is necessary for the health and development of plants. More calcium isn’t necessarily a good thing. Too much calcium may result in a pH that is too low. This may have an impact on macronutrient uptake from other fertilizers.

Professional soil testing may help you identify whether your soil needs calcium. This is not the same as a pH test you can do at home. A professional soil test can evaluate your soil’s calcium and pH levels. Professional soil tests, such as those provided by the state Cooperative Extension, can determine how much fertilizer to give to the soil.

Remember that calcium passes through growing plants with water from the root tips up through transpiration. Proper watering is critical. Calcium will stay in its targets, such as new tissue or tips after it has arrived.

How to Add Calcium to Your Soil?

Calcium levels in soil may not reflect how much calcium plants can really absorb.

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is an important concept in calcium absorption. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is an important concept in soil calcium absorption. It may be thought of as the soil’s holding tank for plant nutrients like magnesium and calcium. CCEC assesses the soil’s capacity to absorb and retain a certain nutrient. Positively charged ions or cations are examples of this. The capacity of your plants to absorb and keep calcium is closely related to CEC. What are you going to do if they don’t? It is also related to the pH of your soil. Calcium is more common in soils with higher pH values.

A professional soil test may be used to determine CEC. CEC shows that your soil has a higher organic matter content than clay. Clay soil holds more water than sandy soil. Sandy soil has a reduced CEC, which implies nutrients may be less accessible since they drain more quickly from the soil.

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

While soil testing is the most accurate technique to determine whether your soil is lacking in calcium, there are other symptoms that may signal a calcium deficiency in plants.

Stunted or weak growth, curled leaves or shoots (or scorching or spotting on them), inhibited root growth, stunted and dead tips, cupping of mature leaf leaves, chlorosis, yellowing of leaves, burnt leaf tips, and fruit injuries such as bloom end rot on tomatoes or bitter pits on apples are all signs of calcium deficiencies.

Fertilizers containing calcium

There are several calcium sources. There are several liquid lime fertilizer supplements available. What you need to do and how frequently you should do it will be determined by the pH of your soil and the crops you are growing.

Foliar Spray (Calcium Acetate, Calcium Nitrate, Calcium Chloride) the most efficient technique to treat acute calcium insufficiency is using foliar calcium sprays for sale. Leaves absorb nutrients more quickly than roots. It is used to treat root issues in container plants, such as transplants and seedlings. Foliar sprays have little effect on the soil. They should be regarded as a supplement to good soil nourishment.

Lime Dolomite

Dolomitic lime is a good calcium source for soils. It also includes magnesium carbonate, which may be used to raise pH levels in soils deficient in magnesium. If the soil test reveals that the magnesium levels in your soil are already high, another calcium product should be applied.