Orthopedics, a branch of medicine that treats bone and muscle malformations using surgery, is a specialty. Knee replacements represent the most commonly performed major procedure in orthopedics. This diverse department also performs arthroscopy, muscle and tendon repair, as well as corrective surgery for anatomical malalignment.
Key-hole surgery in joints is what ‘Arthroscopy’ essentially looks like. The procedure involves making small incisions around the joints and the introduction of instruments such as a scope, which is a camera that allows you to see inside the joint. Also, specially-adapted tools are used to manipulate the tissue inside. This is used to visualize different parts of the joint to diagnose and assess the damage. This procedure can be used to treat conditions such as excess fluid drainage, cartilage repair, and removal of broken pieces.
Because the incisions used are small, postoperative pain is usually less than that of open surgery. Also, recovery time is much faster. Patients undergoing arthroscopy often stay in the hospital for a few hours, so they are not required to be there overnight. Arthroscopy is a procedure that can be performed on many joints such as the knees, hips, or ankles. It can also be used to assess and treat joint injuries.
Fracture Repair
Fractures can be treated using either ‘internal or ‘external fixation. External fixation is achieved by using braces, metal frames, or casting to stabilize the bones and soft tissue and allow them to heal. Internal fixation is the surgical implantation and holding together wires, plates, screws, and screws to align the bones while they heal.
A specialist can examine injured bones, take X-rays, and use other imaging to determine whether there are fractures or breaks in the bone. After this, the specialist will determine the best treatment for the fracture. The bone will heal properly and function can be restored.
Arthroplasty, which is the medical name for joint replacement, is used most often to replace the hip or knee joints. This is becoming more common as the population ages. This is a treatment that can be used to treat many joint problems such as arthritis or fractures. It can also be used for pain relief and mobility improvement.
The benefits of joint replacement include reduced pain and increased range of motion for the affected joints. This can have a huge impact on your overall well-being, independence, and health.
Soft Tissue Repairs
Orthopedic surgeon shoulder can also treat injuries to muscles and soft tissue. To physically repair or remove tissue damaged or torn, conditions such as tendonitis and tendon tears can be treated surgically. The majority of soft tissue problems can be treated with physiotherapy or pain relief. Sometimes, this is insufficient and invasive surgery can be beneficial for managing the condition and restoring function.
Corrective Surgery
Certain conditions can affect the anatomical alignment and position of bones (e.g. If left untreated, scoliosis can cause lateral curvature of the spine which can lead to severe limitations in function and long-term pain. These conditions can be re-aligned, treated, and monitored by orthopedic experts using a variety of fixation and surgical techniques.
Orthopedic surgery can also be used to treat chronic, long-term joint conditions. There are many treatment options before surgery is necessary. Weight loss and exercise can often be enough to relieve pain and restore function in weight-bearing joints, such as the knees, hips, and ankles. Physiotherapy can also be used to treat soft and joint problems. These conditions can also be managed with injections, which are usually steroid-based. Surgery is the best option for these conditions. Despite the risks, they are often successful in returning patients to their normal function and daily life. All of this is possible within a multidisciplinary team that includes surgeons and physiotherapists as well as specialist nurses and occupational therapists.