Five Reasons You Feel Lost Sensation In Your Vagina

If you have no feeling in vagina or if you feel like there’s an underlying cause, then it’s important to investigate.

Every word that starts with the v is sure to elicit a variety of emotions from us ladies and men. No matter if you are feeling fearful, anxious, or excited, your vagina can trigger a multitude of emotions. The vagina is respected by womenfolk, despite the taboos surrounding it. This is why we’re here today to discuss the important aspect of losing sensitivity.

It might seem frightening but it’s important not to panic. It could be due to an underlying medical condition, which should be addressed. It could also be due to a change in your body.

First, there is no medical measure that can determine normal vaginal sensitivity. Everyone is different. How do you know you are normal? It could be what you had to say about sex when you were younger, and how it is now. There could be many examples that can serve you as a personal baseline.

Most Vagins Have a Low Level of Sensitivity

It is, in fact. Most vaginas have low levels of sensitivity. It is actually the more reactive vulva that has a network of nerves. The vulva comprises the inner, outer, and pubic labia, clitoral hoods, clitoris, and urethra. According to estimates, the clitoris houses 8,000 nerve endings! The truth is, your body knows when you need to be concerned and will let you know if there are any changes.

Here Are Five Reasons Your Vagina May Be Losing Its Sensation

1. Menopause

This could explain why you have no sensation. Estrogen levels fall dramatically, and this hormone, if you didn’t know, is what keeps the tissues of your vaginal canal supple. Vaginal walls that have less estrogen can become thinned and dry. Consult your doctor as symptoms of menopause could be very similar to those caused by ovarian cancer.

2. Stress

Oh, stress can be a problem in our lives. Your hormones will be affected when you are stressed. It can cause hormone imbalances that affect all of your hormones. The estrogen levels may drop if cortisol is high. It is believed that some people have stress in their pelvic floor muscles.

3. Issues in the Positive Floor Tissue

Vaginal scarring or heavy lifting can result in contractions. This also means that there is less blood flow to the area, and therefore, very little sensation. However, pelvic floor muscles can be affected by vaginal childbirth and pelvic surgery.

4. Age

This reason is not to be discounted. The truth is that what was pleasurable 10 decades ago may not feel the same now. You have to be open to change as your body changes.

5. Trauma

Yes, this may seem obvious, but trauma could cause a loss in sensation in the Vagina. A person who has experienced sexual trauma does not consider sex an enjoyable form of pleasure. Trauma can cause an increase in cortisol. This can alter their bowels and shift blood flow.

Ladies, if loss of sensitivity causes you stress and there is unresolved trauma to address, please consult a physician. They may suggest a treatment depending on the cause. Sometimes, a pelvic floor specialist can help you to solve the problem. To test if the situation improves, you could also use dilators. Don’t ignore the issue. Get to the bottom of it.